My friend pedro max games
My friend pedro max games

my friend pedro max games

My Friend Pedro never gets overly complicated with its level design or mechanics. In some of the game's later levels, it almost feels necessary if you want to keep your multipliers up and max out your ratings. There's no limit on how often or when you can enter the game's planning mode, so you can keep the pace at a crawl for an entire level if you want. With them, though, it transforms the breakneck action into a sort of gentle physics puzzle. Making complicated chains of leaps while gunning down enemies would feel almost impossible on mobile without the slow-motion mechanics. To encourage you to take some risks and chain together fast maneuvers and enemy takedowns, My Friend Pedro scoring system operates on multipliers that you can extend by getting more kills in a short period of time, and the only way to get a three star rating on a level is to sail through it while maintaining the highest multiplier possible (which also requires not taking damage). This is easy enough to do if you play cautiously, but it also makes the game quite boring. The primary goal of every level in My Friend Pedro is simply to make it to a green exit door without dying. The kind of move you want to execute is automatically determined contextually based on where your character is and what they're capable of in a given moment, so the only other thing you have to worry about controlling is your guns, which you fire by simply tapping on the screen. Once you release your move, the game speeds back up until the next time you want to plan a move. You pilot this gunman by tapping and pulling on the screen to plan jumps or slides, and it's in this "planning mode" that the game starts moving in slow motion.

my friend pedro max games

This search largely involves sliding, jumping, grinding, and skateboarding through various environments and shooting down anyone who tries to stand in your way. My Friend Pedro is a goofy shooter starring a masked gunman who is helping out Pedro, a talking banana, in his search for his kidnapped family members. This short but sweet action shooter is loaded with satisfying levels to stunt through John Woo-style, and it ends before any of its flashy action wears too thin. But, time and time and time again I'm always smitten with the result, particularly by how often it papers over the weaknesses of playing games that demand precision using a touch screen. Every time a new action game with slow-motion mechanics comes to mobile, I wonder if it will be the one that messes it up or feels overly tired to me.

My friend pedro max games