Wordfast pro 5
Wordfast pro 5

  • One Drive: Like Google Drive and Dropbox, you can now use Microsoft One Drive.
  • Document sharing: It has been improved to share TM and glossary at the same time and more than one document.
  • TM search: The windows has been improve by adding new parameters for filtering the search.
  • It can be used for downloading a clean TM or a clean set of TUs for training a MT engine.
  • Download: Possibility to use advanced filters for document and TM.
  • Possibility to upload a TM or glossary from an URL location.
  • Upload: Possibility to choose a TM and glossary other than the current one when uploading a document.
  • Split segment: The Shrink feature has been improved, it is now possible to cut with the cursor and it is working with character languages like Chinese.
  • Browse action dead in Wordfast Pro – An icon to open or save a file becomes unresponsive.This feature will have a configuration in a second step to define more cases of untranslatable segments.
  • Wordfast Pro fails to install in Windows.
  • WFP installation fails because it cannot write ApplicationDescription to key.
  • Why my progress bar never reaches 100 percent.
  • Translating Microsoft RESX Files in Wordfast Pro.
  • Translating Memsource MXLIFF Files in Wordfast Pro.
  • Translating YAML Files in Wordfast Pro (YML, YAML).
  • Translating WordPress XLIFF files in Wordfast Pro.
  • Translating XLIFF Files in Wordfast Pro (XLIFF, XLF, SDLXLIFF, MQXLIFF).
  • Translating PDF Files with Wordfast Pro.
  • Translating Excel Files with Wordfast Pro.
  • Copied Source Check and Untranslatable Text Check options.
  • Connecting to a Wordfast Anywhere TM with Wordfast Pro.
  • Sharing a WFA TM or glossary with WFC and WFP users.
  • Bilingual MS Word Table DOC from Wordfast Pro.
  • Using Wordfast Pro to Translate with WFC.
  • Analyzing files for word counts and more.
  • Spell Check Ignore List in Wordfast Pro.
  • Inverting Translation Memories in Wordfast Pro.
  • Marking Text as Untranslatable in Wordfast Pro.
  • Excluding Excel Columns/Rows in Wordfast Pro.
  • Changing Font Type or Size in Wordfast Pro.
  • Working with Packages (or GLP files) in Wordfast Pro.
  • Extract & Populate Uniques in Wordfast Pro.
  • wordfast pro 5

    Splitting & Merging Files in Wordfast Pro.Chaining Files together in Wordfast Pro.It shows the main steps of a translation workflow using WFP, including project creation, translation, review, quality control, and delivering your translated files. To learn how to start your first translation with WFP, check out this user-produced video on YouTube.Download the Latest Version of Wordfast Pro.Wordfast YouTube Channel Wordfast Pro Online Help Pages Live Online Training Sessions Wordfast Pro Video Tutorials This section and articles are about the current version of WFP. To learn more about this legacy version of WFP, see the dedicated Wordfast Pro 3 (WFP3) section of this wiki. It still works in many systems and some users continue to use it it can run alongside the most recent version of WFP on the same computer. It was last updated to version 3.4.14 in August 2018 and is no longer in development. Note: The legacy version of WFP premiered in January 2009 and was based on a different underlying code. Since then, it has been improved and updated, most recently to version 7.2.0 (May 2022).

    wordfast pro 5 wordfast pro 5

    The current WFP user interface and underlying technology was first implemented as version 4.0, publicly released in April 2016. WFP runs natively in Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

    wordfast pro 5

    It also includes a suite of Quick Tools for pre- and post-translation batch processing of dozens of file types. Wordfast Pro (WFP) is standalone software that allows translators and project managers to do their daily work in a neat and efficient translation environment.

    Wordfast pro 5